Therapy for Low Self-Esteem

What you may be experiencing:

The top 5 symptoms our clients express experiencing are:

1 - Negative self-talk: Constantly criticizing yourself, doubting your abilities, and focusing on your perceived flaws and mistakes.
2 - Social withdrawal: avoiding social situations due to fear of rejection or feeling unworthy of others’ company. 
3 - Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards for yourself and feeling like a failure when those expectations are not met.
4 - Lack of assertiveness: Difficulty expressing your own needs and boundaries, and allowing others to take advantage or control.
5 - Self-neglect: Neglecting one's own needs and desires, and prioritizing others' needs and wants instead.

Low self-esteem or a low sense of self-worth can have a significant impact on your life. It may lead to negative self talk, self-doubt, and lack of confidence in yourself. This can affect your relationships, work or school performance, and overall well-being. It may also contribute to anxiety and depression.

Young man with his hand on his face looking sad

How we can help:

Seeking support from a therapist can be helpful in addressing low self-esteem and improving your quality of life.

Throughout the course of therapy, you will identifying negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. Your therapist will also help you learn coping skills to manage stress and difficult emotions that are an inevitable part of life. Developing healthy communication and boundary-setting skills in relationships is another part that may be explored during this process.

Uncovering past experiences and traumas that may be impacting self-esteem is something that is often helpful in figuring out root causes. Additionally, setting achievable goals and working towards them, while building a sense of competence and accomplishment can be expected throughout treatment.

close up of pavement where someone wrote the words love yourself

After working with us:

People with high levels of self-esteem tend of have positive self-perceptions and are confident in their abilities. It is our hope that after working with us, not only will your self-perception increase for the better, you will tend to have good relationships with others, take care of yourself physically and mentally, and will be able to handle criticism and setbacks in a healthy manner.

Additionally, you may find that you can be more assertive in expressing your opinions and needs while also being respectful of others and their needs. 

You will be able to step into your own authenticity and live the life you want. Being authentic could mean that your behaviours are consistent and transparent, you are honest in your communication, and you trust your instincts. 

a couple sitting and the shirt on the male reads when you love yourself you find yourself

Let’s work on increasing those positive self-persecptions!

woman leaning over the arm of the couch looking super happy and content